The architect, the politician and the university

Fundación RIA

Non-profit agency advising the region’s administrations, industry, organisations, universities, social groups and associations, with the objective of becoming the first truly sustainable city in Europe.

How did the collaboration come about?

After 25 years of visiting with his family, David Chipperfield witnessed the gradual degradation of the environment, loss of identity and patrimony and the weakening success of the local economy in Galicia, Spain. In 2016, with enthusiasm from the local community, he gathered a small research team to develop a broad study of the conditions of the area and how they are interrelated. Through this they established a wide network of support and collaboration with authorities, scientific and local community.

It became clear that there was scope to continue the work much further and create a more established forum for reflection and debate., leading to the creation of the Foundation.

The Fundación RIA is a private, non-profit, cultural entity with national and international links. Its main objective is the analysis, debate, development and promotion of ideas to support the development and protection of the local economy, as well as the architectural, urban, natural and cultural values ​​of the Atlantic estuaries of Galicia. The Foundation seeks to reconcile and strengthen the efforts of individuals and public or private institutions related to these areas, and, where appropriate, operate as an instrument for coordination of these institutions.

Will the project continue beyond COVID-19 lockdown?

Yes, it is a long term project that existed pre-COVID.

How was the project funded

Pro bono work combined with government funding

Any other comments?

In order of importance, please choose the relevant factors that contributed to the success of this project?

Response to need
Response to COVID-19
The 'big' idea
Social impact
Delivery of Project
Combination of skill sets
Combination of participants
Volunteer support
Existing relationships
Available funding