The developer and the collaborators

Workplace Loneliness Progress Report

A diverse collective of people and organisations working together with the mission to design loneliness out of our cities and communities.

How did the collaboration come about?

The Loneliness Lab so far has been a number of workshops and collaborative action bringing together architects, developers, designers, policymakers, students, artists, activists and community groups, many with lived experience of loneliness, to try and understand what are the main causes, and what can be done in a design approach to address the issues head on. Funded by developer Lendlease, they worked together with Collectively (a non-profit with the remit to unlock collective action on the Sustainable Development Goals) to collaborate, and facilitate programmes and experiences that build individual and collective agency for change on social issues affecting the workplace

Will the project continue beyond COVID-19 lockdown?

Final resources are shortly to be published regarding the impact of the loneliness lab workplace report in relation to COVID. The project is now less active than previously but the network continues.

How was the project funded

A commercial developer commissioned it with the aim to promote and facilitate more sustainable property development.

Any other comments?

In order of importance, please choose the relevant factors that contributed to the success of this project?

Response to need
Response to COVID-19
The 'big' idea
Social impact
Delivery of Project
Combination of skill sets
Combination of participants
Volunteer support
Existing relationships
Available funding